APT Mold Blog

Know more about the most advanced technical information in manufacturing industry, and other funny things.
Reasons Why Plastics Should Be Coated

Reasons Why Plastics Should Be Coated

Coating is very necessary in the modern world because somehow it enhances the life span of the material coated. From metals to plastics, coatings can be done to fulfill certain goas so that you enjoy excellent product duration. While some materials are always needed...

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How to Remove Rust from Metals?

How to Remove Rust from Metals?

When it comes to rust, uncoated metals are always victims. This is most rapid prototyping companies have a habit of coating the metals so that they prevent rust and make them last longer than any metal. Household metals are commonly affected by rust and this not only...

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History of CNC Machines

History of CNC Machines

CNC machines are now the most significant aspect of the manufacturing process. They make it possible to produce parts with high machining accuracy, in big quantities, and with great ease. CNC is a modern production and manufacturing idea. CNC machining services are...

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Understanding Rapid Tooling and Its Advantages

Understanding Rapid Tooling and Its Advantages

Rapid tooling is the process of designing prototypes before the actual manufacturing of a product. It serves as a sketch to ensure all the design is perfect before resources are mobilized to produce the intended product. The use of 3D sketches in computers is common...

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Common Materials Used in Rapid Tooling

Common Materials Used in Rapid Tooling

Rapid tooling has become widely used because of its precision and time-saving feature. Unlike the other types of the manufacturing process that have complicated pathways that do not guarantee quality and resource-saving, this method has proven to be economical and...

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